Sugaring, known as Halawa, in the Middle East is still practiced today. Halawa means sweet in Arabic. It has been written that in ancient times, women would remove all of their body hair for their wedding night. The method of body sugaring used today is very similar, but has been modernized for use in today’s spas and salons.
100% Natural method of Hair Removal
Repeated treatments can lead to permanent reduction of regrowth
Water soluble (You will never ruin your equipment or clothing)
Skin is left feeling soft and gently exfoliated
Sugar paste is only capable of adhering to dead skin cells, not live cells
Safe for clients with varicose veins
Sugar is warmed to body temperature so there is no risk of burning
Sugaring can diminish ingrown hairs
Bacteria cannot breed in high concentrations of sugar
Hair can be extracted as short of 1/16th inch (Anagen Stage)
Sugar will not damage delicate facial tissue
Most clients find Sugaring to be less painful than other methods
Hair is removed in the natural direction of growth.